Most engine air filters are fairly easy to replace, but it usually requires some knowledge of where the air filter is located, getting a little grimy, and often some tools to get the job done. Carworks of Longmont has the knowledge to replace the air filter on any American made or import vehicle.
The importance of replacing the engine air filter cannot be understated. The engine air filter cleans the air before it’s fed into the combustion chamber, ensuring that no debris enters that could cause damage your engine. A good rule of thumb is to have your engine’s air filter inspected every time you have your oil changed. Depending on the pollutants in the air determines how often the filter should be changed. For example, someone who regularly drives on a dirt road is someone who should pay very close attention to how often the air filter is changed. A good rule of thumb is to visually inspect the air filter, and it there is visual signs of dirt and dust, it really should be changed. Regardless, regular filter changes are an important part of your car’s maintenance.
A dirty engine air filter can also reduce your car’s performance, resulting horse power and gas mileage.
Call Carworks of Longmont today to schedule your engine air filter appointment.