Category Archives: Battery

Preventative Auto Maintenance for Winter

Winter is here and it’s important to make sure that your vehicle is ready for the cold, harsh conditions that we can see in Longmont over the next few months. According to the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence, there are several maintenance tips that can get your car ready for winter driving. While some of the recommended tasks can be handled by the car’s owner, others should be left to a professional auto mechanic. Carworks of Longmont has a team of ASE certified mechanics who understand just what your vehicle needs to make it through the winter months.

Maintenance Tips for Winter Driving:

  • The Engine: If your engine is having issues, such as a hard time starting, rough idling, or stalling, these problems can just become worse as the weather gets colder. Have any of these engine issues checked by an ASE certified mechanic. And while you’re at it, make sure to have dirty filters and fluids replaced.
  • Battery: Have your battery tested and inspected for leaks. Check fluid levels monthly, if applicable, and clean corrosion around the cable connections and posts.
  • Coolant: The coolant system should be flushed and replenished (one part antifreeze/one part water is typically recommended). Have your mechanic check the overall condition of your coolant system, including belts, clamps, and hoses.
  • Oil: Having regular oil changes, per your vehicle’s specifications, is highly recommended.
  • Fuel: Keeping a full tank of gas can help to prevent moisture in the fuel line, which can freeze in cold temperatures. Adding a de-icer to the tank about once a month can be a good preventative measure.
  • Tires: Inspect your tires, including your spare, for cracks, irregular tire wear, and low tread. Check pressure regularly, and have your tires rotated per manufacturer’s recommendation.
  • Heater: A properly working heater and defroster is essential for comfort and safety.
  • Windshield Wipers/Fluid: Rubber clad blades are your best bet to minimize ice build-up. Make sure your wiper fluid is full and can withstand below freezing temps. Don’t forget the ice-scraper!
  • Be Prepared: It’s always a good idea to carry extra water, snacks, blankets, gloves, a flashlight, flares, and any other items that can come in handy in an emergency.

Regular inspections, along with preventative maintenance can go a long way when it comes to your vehicle’s overall safety and performance, especially in cold weather. Carworks of Longmont and their professional, licensed auto mechanics will inspect your vehicle, and perform any maintenance and/or repairs so that you can stay safe on the road this winter. Give us a call today!

Trouble Starting in Cold Weather? A New Car Battery May Be the Answer!

new car battery LongmontDid you know that it takes at least 20 minutes to fully recharge a car battery after it provides the power to start the engine? The burst of cranking power substantially drains the battery and it takes awhile for the alternator to bring it back up to full strength. Consider this with the long list of potential strains on your battery in cold weather and it’s no wonder that your car might have problems starting in winter! Let Carworks of Longmont test your current battery to ensure you won’t have to deal with a dead car in freezing temperatures, and if you need a new car battery- we have a great selection of durable and affordable options.

Winter Problems that Lead to Needing a New Car Battery

  1. Slower Internal Processing– In freezing weather the starter will require more power because the electricity-generating process slows when the thermometer drops.
  2. Thickened Engine Oil– Cold temperatures turn engine oil to sludge and make it harder for the battery to push the thickened oil through all the internal components involved in startup.
  3. Increased Use of Lights & Wipers– With the shorter days and more rain/snow, headlights and windshield wipers are used more often in winter, which drain the battery.
  4. Depleted Reserves from Summer– Both extreme hot and cold temperatures are damaging to car batteries, so your battery may already be operating at a reduced capacity from overheating the past summer.

A few tips to prevent the unwelcome surprise of a dead battery are: have it load tested before winter; keep the terminals clean and make sure the cables are secure; drive long enough for a solid recharge; and don’t leave electronics plugged in when engine is off. The average life of a battery is 3-5 years, so if your vehicle is due for a new battery, consider investing in one with the highest cold-cranking-amps rating suggested by the manufacturer. When you need a new car battery fast and one that doesn’t cost a fortune, Carworks of Longmont has a high-quality and long-lasting NAPA battery to fit your vehicle’s needs!