Replacing Your Water Pump in Longmont

The water pump is a simple, yet valuable component of your car’s mechanical system. Its function is to pump coolant through the radiator, hoses, and engine block to eliminate the heat produced by the engine. Without a properly functioning water pump, your engine would not operate correctly, and your vehicle would overheat. Carworks of Longmont has the knowledge and skill to replace water pumps on all makes of cars and light trucks.

Symptoms of a Failing Water Pump:

  • High Temperatures: When the water pump starts to fail, the engine will start to overheat causing your vehicle’s temperature to consistently run high. A vehicle that overheats can cause serious damage, such as burnt pistons and cracked cylinder heads if not repaired quickly.
  • Loud or Whining Noises: If the pulley becomes loose or the bearings in the water pump become worn, this can cause a whining noise that gets louder upon acceleration. When the bearings wear, the entire unit will need to be replaced.
  • Leaks: Red or green fluid leaking from under the vehicle indicates that coolant is leaking. These leaks typically occur when the pump’s gaskets and seals start to deteriorate.
  • Radiator Steam: One of the greatest warning signs that the water pump is failing or broken is a steaming radiator. Driving a vehicle that is overheating can cause extensive damage to your engine. If your car is overheating, have it towed to a reputable, licensed auto mechanic to have your water pump replaced.

While water pumps have a long life span, they do not last forever. Fortunately, when water pumps begin to fail, these warning signs will let you know. Taking your vehicle to an ASE certified mechanic is the best way to have your vehicle’s water pump inspected and replaced. The trusted team of mechanics at Carworks of Longmont have the expertise to properly diagnose and make any necessary repairs on your vehicle’s water pump. Give them a call today for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs.